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Looking for a different way to raise the profile of your company to a wide and varied audience?

Looking for a different way to raise the profile of your company to a wide and varied audience?

Lisa Clemson23 Jul - 12:47
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Our Under 18’s Boys and Girls Teams – The Colts and the Panthers, are looking for a sponsor for the back of their team rugby shirts.

Both teams have seen great successes and have a fantastic following, The Colts were promoted to NC2 last season, and The Panthers won the National U18’s North Regional Cup!

Stafford Rugby Club are extremely proud of both of these teams, who are dedicated and passionate about the game.

Sponsoring Stafford Rugby Club is not only a great way to get involved with the local community, it’s also an amazing form of marketing for your business.

Our sponsorship packages not only support our community rugby club, but also provide benefits to support your business, which could include:

· Raising awareness of your brand
· Demonstrate you are a community focused business
· Promotional and advertising opportunities
· Engage with a new audience
· Use of the club for a corporate event
· Join our new SRUFC Business Network

For more information contact:
Lisa Clemson - E |

Further reading